Do the Narna's trainer Daniel Bowman

‘Doing the Narna’ for spinal cord injury research

Tony Robinson, part-owner of gelding Do The Narna, has generously promised to give all his profits from the gelding’s racing career to SpinalCure. Tony is a great mate to SpinalCure Australia Director Gary Allsop, who he calls ‘the great persuader’.…
Embryonic Stem Cells

World-first study using adult-derived stem cells on spinal cord injury patients begins

The first clinical study using adult-derived stem cells with the aim of treating people with spinal cord injuries has begun in Japan, at Keio University. The research team, led by Prof. Masaya Makamura, an orthopedic specialist, and Prof. Hideyuki Okano,…
A research participant with spinal cord injury walks in the Ekso GT assisted by a physical therapist

Exoskeleton assisted walking improves bowel function in people with chronic SCI

In further validation of the benefits of upright posture and exercise, a team of researchers from the US has reported that the time taken for bowel care and stool form were both improved by exoskeleton-assisted walking. These results were obtained…
Injured nerves stop themselves from healing

Insights into why injured nerves in the central nervous system stop themselves from healing

Three main causes for the inability of injured nerves of the central nervous system, or CNS, to regenerate have been known to date: the insufficient activation of a regeneration program in injured nerve cells that stimulates the growth of fibers,…
Physiotherapist with trial participant

Landmark trial aims to help people with spinal cord injury walk again

Wednesday 2 June, Sydney, Australia: Australian researchers are embarking on a landmark international trial which aims to help people with spinal cord injury walk again. Led by researchers at Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) and primarily funded by SpinalCure Australia and…
Kerr Neilson

The lecture that convinced Neilson to back spinal research

Article reproduced with kind permission from the Australian Financial Review. By Jill Margo, Health Editor. When it comes to spinal cord injuries, people hesitate to use the word “cure”. But this didn’t deter billionaire Kerr Neilson, who for idiosyncratic and…
Crowd assembled for Lloyd's fundraising event

Lloyd’s annual golf day raises over $28,000 for research

SpinalCure Australia would like to thank Lloyd’s Australia for hosting their sixth  annual charity Golf Day on Thursday 11 March, 2021 at Sydney’s Concord Golf Club. Participants generously helped raise $28,602 which will be invested to help find a cure…