Bequests – a lasting legacy you can be proud of
SpinalCure Australia is committed to funding breakthrough research that will make a cure for spinal cord injury not only achievable but available right here in Australia.
A gift in your Will can bring more than hope. It will help bring the cure everyone has been waiting for. After family and friends, please consider SpinalCure Australia in your Will. Your gift, no matter how large or small, will make a difference.
Please contact: Pauline Georges
Phone: (02) 9356 8321 or [email protected]
Your Will allows you to choose how your assets are used – everyone should have one. It doesn’t need to be expensive or complicated, but we recommend you seek legal advice to ensure your Will is clear and your wishes are carried out.

The generosity of the late Peter Blundy is helping to fund SCI researchers
Peter Blundy’s life was shattered when a balcony rail collapsed. The former Australian Navy officer sustained severe head and spinal injuries which resulted in him becoming a speech-impaired quadriplegic. To share how inspiring Peter was throughout his 25-year rehabilitation process, his speech therapist posted this video on Vimeo.
When Peter passed in 2018 he left a bequest to SpinalCure and thanks to his generosity we have been able to establish the annual Peter Blundy Equipment and Travel Grants. We are incredibly grateful for Mr Blundy’s generosity and pleased that his legacy is already creating impact in the quest to cure spinal cord injury. January 2019
There are several ways you can leave a gift to SpinalCure.
Whole or part of your estate
You can leave your entire estate or any part of your estate to SpinalCure.
A percentage of your estate
Gifting a percentage of your estate can be easier than specifying an actual amount when you don't know how much will be in your estate when the time comes.
A residual bequest
A residual gift means that after all your debts are settled and specific gifts are distributed, the remainder (or a part of the remainder) of your estate will be gifted to SpinalCure. In this way your gift to SpinalCure won’t interfere with specific bequests to loved ones. It will also retain its value over time unlike a specified amount that will decline in value with inflation.
Gift in specie
If you're considering leaving real estate or shares to SpinalCure, you may wish to consider leaving the gift “in specie”. This means it would be transferred directly to SpinalCure and avoid your estate paying capital gains tax when the asset is sold. “In specie” is a Latin phrase which means "in its actual form."
A specific bequest
You can leave a specific item to SpinalCure such as a sum of money, the balance in a bank account, shares, jewellery or residential or commercial real estate.
Updating your existing Will
If you'd like to add a gift to SpinalCure in your existing Will, you can add an amendment to your Will in the form of a Codicil. Codicils are a simple way to make updates to your Will without re-writing it entirely. You'll need the help of a solicitor or Public Trustee to ensure the Codicil is legally binding.
Information for solicitors and executors
For solicitors making a Will
Thank you for helping to make a Will that includes a bequest to SpinalCure Australia. Please be sure to:
- use our full registered name: Spinal Cure Australia;
- include our ABN: 66 064 327 448
If your client would like their gift to be used for a specific purpose, please contact our Philanthropy Manager, Pauline Georges on (02) 9356 8321 or [email protected] to discuss their wishes.
We would very much like to thank your client for thinking of us and for their support. Please could you ask your client to get in touch by phone on (02) 9356 8321 or by email at [email protected].
Following is suggested wording for the various types of bequest:
Percentage of your estate
“I give _____ per cent of my estate to Spinal Cure Australia, ABN 66 064 327 448 for its general purposes, free of all death and estate duties. I declare that the receipt of the Secretary or other authorised officer of Spinal Cure Australia shall be a sufficient discharge for my Executors.”
Residual of your estate
“I give all the rest of my real and personal property whatever and wherever situated to Spinal Cure Australia, ABN 66 064 327 448 for its general purposes, free of all duties. I declare that the receipt of the Secretary or other authorised officer of Spinal Cure Australia shall be a sufficient discharge for my Executors.”
A percentage of the residue
“I give ______ per cent of the residue of my estate to Spinal Cure Australia, ABN 66 064 327 448 for its general purposes, free of all duties. I declare that the receipt of the Secretary or other authorised officer of Spinal Cure Australia shall be a sufficient discharge for my Executors.”
Specific gift
“I give the sum of $______ or named item_______(eg. property, jewellery, shares) to Spinal Cure Australia, ABN 66 064 327 448 for its general purposes, free of all duties. I declare that the receipt of the Secretary or other authorised officer of the Spinal Cure Australia will be a sufficient discharge for my Executors.”
For executors adminisering a Will
To ensure that a bequest to SpinalCure Australia is properly administered please send us the following information:
- your contact details and the full name and last known address of the deceased person;
- a copy of the final Will and any codicils; and
- a statement of estate accounts.
When the estate is ready to be distributed, please contact us for bank details or post a cheque made payable to Spinal Cure Australia to:
SpinalCure Australia
PO BOX 908
Mona Vale
NSW 1660
If you have any questions, please call Pauline Georges on (02) 9356 8321 or email [email protected]