

Privacy Statement

The National Privacy Principles set minimum standards covering the legitimate use of personal information. Spinal Cure Australia is committed to complying with those Principles.

Spinal Cure Australia recognises and respects the rights of all individuals to privacy and confidentiality in all aspects of their lives.

Information collected

Spinal Cure Australia only collects information from donors and supporters which is given voluntarily and which will be stored securely on Spinal Cure Australia’s internal databases.

When in possession or control of a record containing personal information, Spinal Cure Australia will ensure that:

  • the record is protected against loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclose, by such steps as it is reasonable in the circumstances to take;
  • if it is necessary for that record to be given to a person in connection with the provision of a service to Spinal Cure Australia, everything reasonable will be done to prevent unauthorised use or disclosure of that record.

Spinal Cure Australia will not disclose such personal information to a third party:

  • without the person’s consent; or
  • unless that disclosure is required or authorised by or under law.

Other information collected

Our web server collects the domain names (not the email addresses) of visitors to our website. This information is aggregated to measure basic usage data such as the number of visits, average time spent on the site, pages reviewed etc. which is used by our company to improve the content of our website.


A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user’s hard drive containing information about the user. It is updated from time to time as you access a site. Spinal Cure Australia does not use cookies to trace or record personally identifiable information about you.

This statement has been prepared in accordance with the Australian Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000.