SpinalCure Australia is proud to announce the inaugural
I. Peter Farrell SpinalCure Fellowship.
This prestigious award provides AUD$1.5million over five years to support an outstanding early/mid-career researcher undertaking innovative research which takes steps towards the goal of a cure for spinal cord injury.
The Fellowship has been made possible by the generosity of Caroline Farrell, in memory of her late husband, a successful computer scientist who lived with a spinal cord injury for 17 years after a car accident left him with tetraplegia.
Eligible candidates will be 3–10 years post award of their PhD and be in a position to work in Australia for the term of the Fellowship. Applications close 15th August 2023 DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 12th OCTOBER 2023. The successful candidate will be notified mid September with the Fellowship term commencing in January 2024.
For further information and for application details please visit: https://www.spinalcure.org.au/the-i-peter-farrell-spinalcure-fellowship/