
SpinalCure releases latest impact report

SpinalCure releases latest impact report

Funding groundbreaking research to cure spinal cord injury

A cure is in reach. It’s not a matter of if, but when. This is our mantra, and it really is closer than ever.

Dean Martelozzo smiling
Dean Martelozzo, SpinalCure Community Ambassador

Despite the challenges of the COVID pandemic, 2021 was a successful year, thanks to our fantastic supporters and partners. Our impact report, from December 2020 – November 2021 details our exciting progress and plans for the future.

SpinalCure receives no government support and relies entirely on voluntary donations from Australians and people around the globe.

So it’s entirely thanks to our supporters and partners, that we are funding groundbreaking research to cure spinal cord injury. Our incredible impact is down to you. Thank you.

We could change the lives of many Australians with a spinal cord injury within the next five years.

Alex Richter smiling
Alex Richter, SpinalCure Community Ambassador

Read our impact report to find out about our progress and our ambitious plans to change lives.

Find out how our research is focussing on:

  1. Minimising the damage caused by spinal cord injury
  2. Electrically stimulating the remaining tissue to enhance or restore function
  3. Promoting regrowth and repair of damaged neurons.

Each piece of research could change the lives of people with spinal cord injuries. Together, we believe, they could be part of a final cure.

Download the impact report (PDF, 5.6MB)

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