University of Louisville builds treadmill to help kids with spinal cord injuries

The University of Louisville (UofL) has built a treadmill and body support system specially made for rehabbing children with spinal cord injuries. Since 2012 UofL and the Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center (KSCIRC) have been using locomotive means for…

“I donate every month so one day a cure can be found”

William Yunken, 40, had a car accident in 2012 in outback Western Australia, which resulted in a level C5 incomplete spinal cord injury.  After one year in rehabilitation, William “got on with his life” and while he keeps an eye…

NSW Spinal Cord Injury Research Grants now open for applications

The NSW Office for Health and Medical Research is now accepting applications for their NSW Spinal Cord Injury Research Grants, which are the result of intense advocacy work by SpinalCure Australia and its supporters.  Grants up to $2.5 million will…

Climate change and spinal cord injury

An article published on the journal Nature on October 21, 2019 calls for discussions about climate change and disability to take into consideration the impact that climate change has on people with spinal cord injury. People with SCIs “remain the most vulnerable to the…
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Polymerised estrogen shown to protect nervous system cells

Researchers at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, USA, have developed a promising new biomaterial that could offer targeted treatment to the damaged spinal cord tissue, preventing further damage after the initial trauma caused by an injury. In…

The impact of spinal cord injury on sleep: a review

A narrative review published on the Dove Press journal “Nature and Science of Sleep” examines various sleep abnormalities and related functional and physical impairments in people living with spinal cord injury.  “Primary sleep disorders such as sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), sleep-related movement…
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SpinalCure supports petition calling for NDIS access for people over 65

SpinalCure Australia would like to circulate the petition to the House of Representatives to call for legislative changes to “eliminate discrimination of older people with a disability”.  Older people are unable to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) after…
Dr Wise Young talks to a group of young doctors

Clinical trial for complete chronic spinal cord injury to start in the US

A clinical trial treating chronic complete spinal cord injury patients will be conducted in the United States, led by Wise Young, M.D., Ph.D.  Dr Young is the founding director of the W.M. Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience at Rutgers University and has…

SA study hopes to find ways to restore sexual function to people with SCI

A study at the South Australia Health and Medical Research Institute hopes to find how to help restore sexual function to people with spinal cord injury. The project is called Project SCIN (Spinal Cord Injury Neurosexuality) and involves people being shown adult…

First global open-source database for spinal cord injury research

Experts from the University of Alberta and the University of California, San Francisco, are teaming up to launch the world’s first open-source database for international spinal cord injury research.  The Open Data Commons for preclinical Spinal Cord Injury research (ODC-SCI) will improve spinal…