Doubts raised regarding 'breakthrough' STAP cell research

A Japanese scientist called on Monday for his own headline-grabbing study on stem cells to be withdrawn from publication, saying its findings had now been thrown into too much doubt. The research – hailed when it came out in January as…

STAP stem cell technique tested in human tissue

Charles Vacanti at Harvard Medical School and his colleagues say they have taken human fibroblast cells and tested several environmental stressors on them in an attempt to recreate human STAP cells. He won’t reveal what type of stressors were applied but…

EBiSC – the first European bank for induced pluripotent stem cells

A consortium of 26 partners has been formed to establish the “European Bank for induced pluripotent Stem Cells” (EBiSC) with support from the IMI.  The EBISC iPS cell bank will act as a central storage and distribution facility for human…

Falls overtake vehicle crashes as leading cause of spinal cord injuries in the USA

New Johns Hopkins research has found that slips and falls – particularly among the elderly – has overtaken motor vehicle crashes as the leading cause of traumatic spinal cord injuries in the U.S. The number of serious spinal cord injuries…

Study shows potential benefit of stem cell treatments for children with spinal cord injuries

Previous studies have shown that multiple stem cell implantations might assist adults suffering from complete spinal cord injuries (SCI). Now a Polish study published in STEM CELLS Translational Medicine shows for the first time that children with SCI might benefit,…

US team conducts study using new STAP stem cell technique in monkeys with spinal cord injuries

A research team at Harvard University has conducted a preliminary study on monkeys paralyzed by spinal cord injuries using a newly found technique for creating pluripotent stem cells (“stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency” or STAP cells) The same team is also…

SpinalCure Director Prof Perry Bartlett receives Distinguished Achievement Award

QBI Founding Director and founding Director of SpinalCure, Professor Perry Bartlett has been awarded the prestigious Distinguished Achievement Award by the Australian Neuroscience Society (ANS). The occasional award is granted in honour of an outstanding contribution by an individual to…

New, fast method of creating pluripotent stem cells

Japanese scientists, in collaboration with Professor Vacanti of Harvard, Boston, report that they have created pluripotent stem cells by simply bathing blood cells in a weakly acidic solution for half an hour, triggering a remarkable reversion to the cells’ original…

Stem cell-based clinical trial for spinal injuries starting in Japan

Sapporo Medical University, Japan, will launch the nation’s first clinical trial for using stem cells to regenerate nerves in people with spinal cord injuries. The team will collect bone marrow fluid from patients who have sustained spinal cord injuries within…