Commentary on electrical stimulation for SCI

Drs. NarihitoNagoshi and Michael G Fehlings discuss the exciting research using epidural electrical stimulation to treat spinal cord injury with particular reference to  the work presented by Angeli and colleagues in a current issue of Brain. Read more…

People with paralysis explore therapeutic effects of scuba diving

Scuba diving is showing great benefit for people with spinal cord injures. Reduced spasm, increased sensitivity and increased mobility are just some of the benefits experienced. The researchers speculate that the physical improvements may have something to do with an interaction…

Spasm research may lead to new treatments for SCI

Research reveals that a group of cells in the spinal cord start supplying serotonin in an uncontrolled way after an injury, which may “knock” the motor system out of control. A Science Daily news report notes that the enzyme aromatic L-amino…

Modulation of CSPG receptor promotes locomotor and urinary recovery (video)

Dr. Silver presents findings from his lab’s discovery that peptide modulation of the CSPG receptor PTP allowed for remarkable recovery of hindlimb function, locomotor activity, and bladder control in 17 of 20 animals. Thanks to  Unite 2 Fight Paralysis

Transplanted stem cells help prevent bladder fibrosis after spinal cord injury

A team of researchers from Korea and Canada have found that transplantation of B10 cells (a stable immortalized human bone marrow derived –mesenchymal stem cell line; B10 hMSC) directly into the bladder wall of mice modeled with spinal cord injury…

Shepherd Center begins the final stage of its clinical trials for robotics-assisted walking device

Developer Parker Hannifin Corp. describes the exoskeleton device – called Indego – as a “powered orthosis worn around the waist and legs that allows individuals with spinal cord injuries to stand and walk.” Clare Hartigan describes it as revolutionary. “People who…

Stem cell phase 1/2a clinical trial for cervical complete spinal cord injury

Following successful results from its Phase 1 trial, California company Asterias Biotherapeutics Inc. will now initiate a Phase 1/2a clinical trial of its stem cell product, AST-OPC1, in patients with complete cervical spinal cord injury. The new clinical trial differs…

Stem cell clinical trial for spinal cord injury to start in California

A team at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, backed by the young biotech company Neuralstem, recently launched a clinical trial to assess the safety of neural stem cell transplants in patients one to two years post…