Wednesday 2 June, Sydney, Australia: Australian researchers are embarking on a landmark international trial which aims to help people with spinal cord injury walk again. Led by researchers at Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) and primarily funded by SpinalCure Australia and…
Tag: spinal cord injury research (page 3)
Lloyd’s annual golf day raises over $28,000 for research
SpinalCure Australia would like to thank Lloyd’s Australia for hosting their sixth annual charity Golf Day on Thursday 11 March, 2021 at Sydney’s Concord Golf Club. Participants generously helped raise $28,602 which will be invested to help find a cure…
Climate change and spinal cord injury
An article published on the journal Nature on October 21, 2019 calls for discussions about climate change and disability to take into consideration the impact that climate change has on people with spinal cord injury. People with SCIs “remain the most vulnerable to the…
Polymerised estrogen shown to protect nervous system cells
Researchers at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, USA, have developed a promising new biomaterial that could offer targeted treatment to the damaged spinal cord tissue, preventing further damage after the initial trauma caused by an injury. In…
The impact of spinal cord injury on sleep: a review
A narrative review published on the Dove Press journal “Nature and Science of Sleep” examines various sleep abnormalities and related functional and physical impairments in people living with spinal cord injury. “Primary sleep disorders such as sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), sleep-related movement…
Curcumin and resveratrol 'can help with spinal cord injury recovery,' studies show
Two new studies have shed light on the possible healing properties of foods containing curcumin and resveratrol for patients with spinal cord injury. Curcumin ‘can play important role in SCI recovery’, study says A new study published on Springer Link says curcumin…
Scientists grow mini-brain in a dish that connects to spinal cord
Scientists have grown a miniature brain in a dish that linked up to a mouse’s spinal cord and surrounding muscles – an advance that promises to accelerate the study of injury or degeneration of axon tracts, such as spinal…
Spinal cord stimulation study gives paralysed patients hopes for voluntary movement
University of Minnesota researchers are aiming to treat 100 volunteers with epidural stimulators in their E-STAND clinical trial. They recently published early results of the first two patients. And it’s good news for everyone with a spinal cord injury (SCI)…
Spinal cord injury research could bring 'huge cost savings' to insurance industry
SpinalCure Australia’s CEO Duncan Wallace has reminded the insurance sector of the huge potential for the industry arising from spinal cord injury research. Mr Wallace was addressing a luncheon hosted in Sydney’s Darling Harbour by the NSW Reinsurance Discussion Group (RDG).…
Spinal cord injury – it's not what you think
To the uninitiated, a spinal cord injury often means simply ‘not being able to walk’. The reality? It’s much worse. Today is World Spinal Cord Injury Day, an important, international day to bring awareness to a condition that many people don’t…