Most people with spinal cord injury are paralyzed from the injury site down, even when the cord isn’t completely severed. Why don’t the spared portions of the spinal cord keep working? Researchers now provide insight into why these nerve pathways…
Tag: spinal cord injury recovery (page 3)
Natural compounds sourced from Australian plant could aid in the repair of injured spinal cord
Natural compounds sourced from Australian dessert plants could help stimulate cells and aid in the repair of spinal cord injuries. Researchers from Griffith University are studying how these compounds can be incorporated into the cell transplantation process to improve recovery after…
Mind rehabilitaton may help in recovery after spinal cord injury
A study from Heriot-Watt University has uncovered that the mind plays a pivotal role in rehabilitation after spinal cord injury. The Edinburgh researchers said a change in the way people view their surroundings after injury can make it harder to carry out…
Paralysed patient feels sensation again
Scientists at the California Institute of Technolgy have induced sensation in the arm of a paralysed man. Using a tiny array of electrodes implanted in the brain’s somatosensory ave cortex, scientists have induced sensations of touch and movement in the hand…
The highs and lows of Steve Plain
From the lowest of lows to the highest of highs, this is the story of an extraordinary man attempting to accomplish an incredible dream. Meet Steve Plain. Three years ago, Steve was lying in hospital in Perth and was told…