Study questions methylprednisolone use for treatment of patients with traumatic SCIs

Methylprednisolone used according to the NASCIS-II protocol to treat patients with acute traumatic spinal cord injuries resulted in more complications and did not improve motor score recovery compared with patients who did not receive the steroid, according to results of…

Expressing constitutively active Rheb in adult neurons after a complete spinal cord injury enhances axonal regeneration beyond a chondroitinase-treated glial scar

Clearing out the spinal cord scar using a bacterial roto-rooter; seeding the injury site with fragments of peripheral nerve; souping up inactive spinal cord nerve cells by modifying their genetic blueprints – these are three well-studied ideas that have each…

Non-invasive technique to transplant cells into the nervous system

A research team led by Dr Testuji Sekiya at Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Medicine has discovered a new, non-invasive technique to transplant cells into the nervous system. They show that the “glial scar”, commonly thought to be an obstacle…

Paralysed men move legs with new non-invasive spinal cord stimulation

Five men with complete motor paralysis were able to voluntarily generate step-like movements thanks to a new strategy that non-invasively delivers electrical stimulation to their spinal cords. The strategy, called transcutaneous stimulation, delivers electrical current to the spinal cord by…