Promising research to restore hand function

Dr Daniel Lu and Dr Reggie Edgerton have recently received a 5-year grant to study ways of restoring hand function in people with quadriplegia. They are using two approaches: using electrical stimulation of the pathways within the spinal cord using off-label serotonergic…

Future breakthroughs in spinal cord injury treatment closer with new research scholarship


The prospect of future breakthroughs in spinal cord injury treatment has been boosted with the joint announcement today of a new medical research Fellowship, according to the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

Spinal cord neurons that control skilled limb movement identified

Researchers have identified two types of neurons that enable the spinal cord to control skilled forelimb movement. The first is a group of excitatory interneurons that are needed to make accurate and precise movements; the second is a group of…